Same goes to all the later games, I could of easily bought them all individually.EA continues to disappoint fans and take money out of our pockets, if you guys dont care about the first two Command&Conquer games and just want all the rest, then go ahead and buy it, but if you are like me and want the whole collection and play the originals like they were back in the day.Find out how Steam players can try out the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection Beta patch! I can easily pull out Red Aler 2 from its original case and play it without worrying about buying this.

All the other games work just fine but if EA advertises that it now works on Windows 7, I expect it to work! That is why I gave it a very poor rating. But the cutscenes, main menu and even during gameplay the colour is all messed up, I can't explain what you can call it but it reminds me of pictures on their negative form before getting them developed but not as negative, like it just have smudges of colours that dont belong there and has that rainbow colours during the cutscenes.Anyways it is late and need to go to bed, my grammar is not so good right now, all I can say is that it was disappointing. So the games that I really wanted to work was Command&Conquer and of course Command&Conquer: Red Alert. After all, this is EA we are talking about. I was even hoping for maybe a bit of remastered in cutscenes and such, but I knew I wasnt so lucky on getting that. So after buying this and finally installing some games on it, I noticed that EA put in no effort to actually make it work on Windows 7, it was basically a copy and paste right from the First Decade. I bought the First Decade when it first came out but has problems working the older games which was disappointing. I bought it right away even though I am in money problems but when I read that they made it compatible for Windows 7, I was excited. By Hockenberry | Review Date: OctoI was walking in Walmart one day and that is when I saw Command&Conquer: The Ultimate Collection on the shelf.